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There’s been a lot of talk about cancel culture lately. Its the 21st century version of the Satanic Panic. There was an open letter released by Harpers Magazine decrying this […]
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My new friend Will is giving us a primer on what communism’s all about! TRANSCRIPT Callie: [00:00:00] Shouts out to Vicky, China, and Marianne for becoming new patrons this week and […]
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We’ve heard story after story of the super messed up things the police are doing in response to the protests happening across the country. My new friend Kevin got arrested […]
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目前比较主流的内网穿透方式 你用过几个 - 暮无雪伋码博客:2021-6-13 · 有时候,我伊在外想要访问家里或公司主机的资料,要么由于主机处于内网下,要么就是是运营商随机分配的一个公网IP,都很难直接连上主机获取资料。那么,有什么办法可伍解决这一难题?答案就是 内网穿透。当内网中的主机没有静态IP地址要被外网稳定访问时可伍使...
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Tuck from Gender Reveal is here to help us talk about “objectivity” in journalism and why we need to think critically about what we read, even from outlets we may […]
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Resources: Anti-Racism Media:*YNlgMgo4D07mNyOtlVctmg Another Resource Guide:–vQ2avEc/edit?usp=sharing If you’re white, this is an org you can join and support to talk to and hold other white people accountable in […]
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I had the good fortune to be invited to a virtual lavendar graduation ceremony a few weeks back
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You might remember Miri from a few weeks ago when they gave us some really good coping tips for the moment we’re living in. Miri’s also a breast cancer survivor. […]
Kage has always been a singer. That got more difficult when he started T.
giving yourself completely
Paul was one of many people in the middle of the fight over gay marriage in the United States. And not in a way he would’ve ever wanted